Full Stack Technology
Knowledge Partner : NTT DATA
About CoE:
Full stack technology refers to a set of technologies and tools that enable developers to build web applications that cover both the frontend and backend development. Full Stack Technology is in high demand, and many companies are looking for developers who can handle multiple aspects of a project. This can lead to a wider range of job opportunities and potentially higher salaries.
The main objective of this CoE is to enhance the students with Full Stack Application Development. Learning full-stack development will help the students to master a wide set of skills ranging from HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Back-end languages like Python, PHP, Ruby along with a good set of Agile project management and soft skills.
MoU Signed Details
Full Stack Technology Center of Excellence (Full Stack CoE) has been established in R.M.K. Engineering College and MoU signed with NTT DATA on 13th March 2023.
Engagement Activities :
Presentation given by Dr.T.Sethukarasi/HoD-CSE to Mr.J.P.Niranjan Kuamar,SVP ,NTT DATA about the Rollout Plan of Full Stack Technology Center of Excellence.